Our Mountain View
Roofing Services

At Francis Roofing, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive suite of roofing services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Residential Roofing Services

Residential Roofing Services

Your home is your sanctuary, and its roof is its shield. Francis Roofing specializes in residential roofing services designed to protect your home from the elements while enhancing its aesthetic appeal. From traditional shingle roofs to modern sustainable options, our team works meticulously to ensure your roof is in perfect condition, providing peace of mind and adding value to your home.

Commercial Roofing Services

Businesses in Mountain View can’t afford to overlook the importance of a sturdy, reliable roof. Our commercial roofing services are crafted to meet the demands of any business, large or small. Understanding that time is money, we focus on efficient, high-quality roofing solutions that minimize disruption and maximize protection, ensuring your business stays dry, safe, and ready to thrive.

Commercial Roofing Services

Our Roofing Process

Our roofing process is designed to provide you with a hassle-free experience from start to finish.



Every successful roofing project begins with a detailed consultation. This initial step allows us to understand your specific needs, preferences, and budget, ensuring the solutions we offer are perfectly tailored to you.



A thorough inspection of your current roof is crucial. Our experts meticulously assess the condition of your roof to identify any issues or potential problems, forming the foundation of our project plan.



Proper preparation is key to a seamless roofing project. We take every necessary step to ensure the site is ready, materials are on hand, and the plan is set, minimizing surprises along the way.



Our team of skilled professionals takes pride in their work, ensuring each installation is performed with precision, care, and attention to detail, guaranteeing a roof that’s not only beautiful but durable.

Expert Roofing Maintenance Tips In Mountain View

In a world where the weather can change in an instant, having a roof that can stand the test of time is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. Francis Roofing is dedicated to providing Mountain View residents and businesses with roofing solutions that are not just effective but innovative and sustainable. With a focus on customer satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and cutting-edge technology, we’re not just building roofs; we’re building peace of mind. Some expert tips for maintaining your roof in optimal condition:

Roof Maintenance In Mountain View

Inspect Annually

Perform thorough roof inspections at least once a year. Look for damaged or missing shingles, cracks, leaks, curling, and any potential hazard points. Inspection is key to catching small issues before they become costly repairs.

Clear Debris

Clean debris like leaves, branches and buildup off your roof routinely. Debris traps moisture and clogs gutters, which can cause rot, mold and structural issues. Use a leaf blower or hire a roofer to clear the roof if needed.

Trim Overhanging Trees

Trees that directly overhang your roof should be trimmed back. Falling leaves and abrasive branches rub against shingles, degrading them quicker. Proper tree trimming improves airflow and light exposure too.

Maintain Flashing

Roof flashing is vital for water runoff control. Inspect flashing around chimneys, vents, joints and valleys for cracks or detachment. Reattach any loose pieces and seal minor cracks.

Reapply Sealants

Sealants around joints, pipes and openings can wear down over years. Reapply caulk or roof sealant anywhere gaps could let water penetrate the roof layers.

Stay proactive with inspections, cleaning debris, sealant checks and gutter maintenance. Prioritizing roof care saves money long-term by extending the life of your roofing system.

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    Just fill up the form here and our representatives would handle the rest. Contact us today for complete roofing installation services Mountain View.

    Why Hire Roofing Contractors In Mountain View

    • Expertise: With years of experience in the roofing industry, our team has the knowledge and skills to tackle any roofing challenge, ensuring quality and reliability.
    • Quality Materials: We use only the best materials available, ensuring your roof is durable, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing.
    • Customer Focus: At Francis Roofing, the customer always comes first. We strive to exceed your expectations, offering personalized solutions and exceptional service.
    • Timely Completion: We understand the importance of your time. Our projects are completed efficiently without compromising on quality.
    • Safety Standards: Safety is our top priority. We adhere to strict safety standards, ensuring a safe working environment for our team and your property.
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